5 Reasons Every Office Needs a Coffee Machine

Coffee machines are becoming more and more popular in offices today. It’s one of the most popular drinks in the world and is perfect for providing a well-needed caffeine boost as well as a delicious flavour. But why does that mean you should have one in your office? We’ve collated 5 reasons of how a coffee machine can benefit your office and why the Primo should be your number one choice.

1. Employees Looking Tired?

A cup of coffee is a great way to give your staff a well needed caffeine boost.

2. Create a Social Point

Socialising by the coffee machine is a great way to maintain healthy work relationships. Research has shown that good work relationships can make staff happier and increase productivity.

3. Save trips to the local coffee shop

Long queues, tiresome walks and lukewarm coffee are just some of the reasons to avoid the time-consuming commute to your local coffee shop. By having a Primo you can get fresh barista style coffee in second in the comfort of your own office.

4. Increase Productivity

It is a well-known fact that coffee makes you more alert, attentive, and hard working. Providing a source of high-quality coffee can lead more productive and engaged employees.

Touch Screen advertisements on the Primo Touch

5. Share Company Messages

Have an important company message to share? What better place to promote than the display on your Primo Touch. Keep employees updated whilst they decide between an espresso, cappuccino or perhaps even a mocha.

So what now? You’ve decided you need a coffee machine for your office but don’t know where to look for your options. There are many choices available depending on your requirements. First of all, we recommend ensuring you know exactly what type of machine you are looking for – whether it be a fresh bean-to-cup coffee, instant coffee, push-button drink menu, touch screen and so on. The Primo range features a range of models with unique configurations so we can provide the perfect coffee solution for every office.